If you ask anyone how to swallow correctly, most will probably look at you with a weird expression and not know how to answer. It is something that comes naturally to all of us, right? Well, no, not really.

Many people find it difficult to swallow and this can lead to some pretty nasty side effects like bloating or acid reflux — also known as heartburn. It is important to learn how to swallow correctly because it will prevent you from experiencing unpleasant side effects after eating certain foods. When we eat food, there are natural tendencies for our tongue, jaw, and throat to move in a particular direction to help break down the food for easier swallowing. However, with time and practice, you’ll be able to do it almost flawlessly.

What is wrong with the way most people swallow?

The most problematic part about swallowing is most people do it incorrectly.

This can lead to a number of problems including:

– Swallowed food can get stuck in your esophagus, which is the tube between the throat and the stomach. This is especially common when people eat while they’re lying down. It is recommended that you sit up while eating to encourage proper swallowing.

– The acid in your stomach can leak up into your esophagus, causing heartburn.

– Swallowing disorders can arise when the muscles in the throat and mouth become weak or damaged due to surgery, disease, or age. This can make it difficult to swallow and keep food down.

The basics of swallowing correctly

The basics of swallowing correctly involve the use of your jaw, tongue, and the roof of your mouth.

There are also a few other things that you can do to help you swallow correctly:

– Chew more slowly and pay more attention to the texture of the food. This will help you break down the food better and swallow easier.

– Chew with your mouth closed and don’t talk while chewing. This will help you avoid swallowing too much air and help you chew more thoroughly.

– Breathe through your nose while eating. This will prevent you from swallowing too much air, which can cause gas and bloating.

– Use your tongue to push food to the back of your mouth. This will help with chewing and prevent food from getting stuck in your throat.

How to swallow correctly

– Position your head and neck correctly. You mustn’t tilt your head back or bend your neck forward when swallowing. Your ears should be aligned with the tops of your shoulders.

– Chew slowly and thoroughly. This will help you break down your food better and make it easier to swallow.

– Breathe through your nose. This will help you prevent yourself from swallowing too much air when eating. That trapped air can cause bloating and make it harder to swallow. It is recommended that you breathe through your nose when you’re eating, drinking hot liquid, or when you are sick.

– Pay attention to the texture of the food. If you’re eating something really thick and chewy, like a big chunk of steak or a big piece of bread, take smaller bites and put down your fork between bites. This will help you chew your food more thoroughly and make it easier to swallow.

Don’t hold your breath

– Your body is naturally programmed to hold your breath when you swallow. Normally, this is okay, but if you do it too often, it can cause problems.

– Holding your breath while you swallow can cause your tongue to push food back into your throat, making it harder to swallow.

– It can also make it harder for you to taste your food thoroughly. This is because when you hold your breath, your taste buds aren’t getting enough oxygen.

– Holding your breath while you swallow can also cause you to belch or burp more. This is because you’re swallowing more air.

– Holding your breath while you swallow can also cause you to cough. This is because your body is trying to get the extra air out of your lungs.

Don’t tilt your head back or bend your neck

Tipping your head back or bending your neck forward while you’re swallowing can cause food to go down your esophagus. This is a big problem because your esophagus is not supposed to have food going down it.

– Food that goes down your esophagus can get stuck, which can cause you to choke.

– Tipping your head back or bending your neck forward while you’re swallowing can also cause acid reflux. This happens when the acid in your stomach gets pushed up into your esophagus.

– Tipping your head back or bending your neck forward while you’re swallowing can also make it harder for you to breathe, especially if you’re eating while you’re lying down.

Don’t use too much pressure when you swallow

– Pressing with too much force when you swallow can cause you to choke, cough, or even break your jaw.

– If you use too much pressure when you swallow, you’ll end up pushing the food down your esophagus, which is not supposed to have food going down it.

– This can cause you to choke, which is something that everyone wants to avoid.

– Pressing with too much force when you swallow can also cause you to gag. This happens when your esophagus gets food in it, which is something that shouldn’t happen.

– Pressing with too much force when you swallow can also make it harder for you to breathe, especially if you’re eating while you’re lying down.

Try using tongue placement to help you swallow correctly

– If you’re having trouble swallowing correctly, you can try placing your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

– Placing your tongue at the top of your mouth will help you push your food to the back of your throat and encourage you to swallow.

– Putting your tongue in the roof of your mouth can also help you break down your food more thoroughly.


Swallowing correctly is a pretty important thing to master. It helps our bodies digest the food we eat, and it keeps us from gagging or coughing up our food. It’s important to remember that we were all babies once and we all have to start somewhere. If you’re struggling with swallowing correctly, don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. We all make mistakes, but we can learn from them.